Sunday 16th February – Mini Metal Classic II
Our 2025 championships start off with the second running of the Mini Metal Classic.
Tomorrow’s stars take to the track in Yesterday’s Cars with Teen Streets competing in Pre 95 (no K11 Micra’s) cars. Teen Streets have a double dose of action on the day as well with the regular class running providing these youngsters with a chance for some extra races!
Aldridge Scrap Metals are very kindly sponsoring both Teen Street Classes on the day.
Street Bangers are in attendance for the first round of their 2025 Gold Roof Series where we hope to repeat the bumper turn out and fantastic racing from this meeting last year.
We also have support from the Juniors, F2 Stox and Prod A’s to round out and action packed day at the Oxford Oval.
Bookings are now open for all classes, please message me or email confirming:
If racing in the Teen streets classic class, please check car eligibility on booking
This thread is not monitored for bookings – they are accepted by message or email only.
All booking messages will be responded to after Friday 24th Jan. In addition to booking in, all racers must register via our website.
On the day gates to the site will open at 8am with the first race at 11am.
Admission prices:
Adult – £18
Child (10-16) – £12
Concession – £12
Under 10’s – Free
Racers – £12
Family entry (2+2) – £48
Arena parking is included for free subject to space.
See you there!

A1 Metal Recycling Open – Unlimited & 2 Litre National Bangers & Supports
Sunday March 16th
National Bangers return to the Oxford Oval with Unlimited and 2 Litre Nationals competing in the A1 Metal Recycling Open.
Always plenty of action at this meeting with both classes delivering in numbers and entertainment in recent years and after a lovely HMC, we look forward to more of the same!
We have contact throughout the whole bill on the day with support coming from the Teen Street Bangers, F2 Stox, 1 Litre Stocks and V8 Stocks Tour providing plenty of action and variety for the Banger fans in attendance!
Gates open at 8am on the day with the first race at 11am
Admission prices:
Adult – £18
Child (10-16) – £12
Concession – £12
Under 10’s (Free)
Racers – £12
Family Entry (2+2) – £48
Admission includes arena parking (subject to availability)
See you there!

Back to Basics Bangers, Ladies Gold Roof Round 1 & Supports
Sunday 2nd March
1800cc Back to Basics Bangers return for their first outing of the 2025 season after their debut season with us saw plenty of action and variety.
They are supported by the Ladies Street Bangers competing in round 1 of their new for 2025 Gold Roof Series.
We also have non contact action courtesy of the Juniors, 1600 Prod Rods, Prod A, Hot Rods and Drift Rods.
Gates to the site open at 8am with the first race at 11am.
Admission prices:
Adult – £18
Child (10-16) – £12
Concession – £12
Under 10’s (Free)
Racers – £12
Family Entry (2+2) – £48
Admission includes arena parking (subject to availability)

Welcome to Standlake Arena
Our aim is to provide a fair days racing for as many people as possible in a relaxed friendly atmosphere. Any car past its prime can have one final fling round the Standlake oval, whether you want to race or crash there is a class here for you.
There are various non-contact classes and then there’s the Bangers, Bangers and more Bangers at every meeting. We average 50 Bangers per meeting, with the emphasis on FUN you can race anything from a Mini to a Roller, just check the fixtures page for cc limits at individual meetings.
We have a large pit area and spectators can park around the track on the raised banking to watch from the comfort of their cars.
23 meetings are held throughout the year, on Sundays and Bank Holiday Mondays with 11am start times. About 30 races are run at each meeting with an average 150 racers competing at each event. There is usually a good turnout of Bangers with an average of 50 – 60 cars at each meeting. The Junior class is also well attended with around 25 cars at most meetings.
We also held a national record with 266 Banger cars in attendance at our Heavy Metal Classic on 2nd January 2005. The Heavy Metal Classic meetings are now recognised as the biggest Banger meeting the country sees each year.
Visiting banger drivers are welcome at any meeting.
Non Contact
Limited Contact
Full Contact
Standlake Arena Admission 2025
All meetings are open for public spectating with free trackside parking (you need to be early at busy meetings!).
Parking is free.
Dogs are welcome, on a lead – but please clear up behind them.
Gates open 8am, first race 11.00am, meetings can finish anytime between 4.30 to 6pm.
Adults – £18
Child (age 10–16) – £12
Concessions – £12
Under 10s – FREE
Family (2 & 2) – £48
Racers – £12
We take cash or card at the gate on arrival
*Prices differ for the following meetings:
Monday 26th May and Sunday 2nd November:
Adults £20; Child £15; Concession £15; Under 10 FREE; Family (2+2) £55; Racer £12
Find us with What3Words: ownership.savings.settled

Learn2Drift at Standlake Arena
Public Drift Days
Members of the public can bring their own cars for a Drift on the watered track. Everyone has a lot of fun and Drifters get loads of track time for their money. Quite a few Standlake Arena racers are now turning up at these events for an extra buzz.
Anyone with a rear wheel drive car can attend these public days even cars that are on the road, just remember though it's you driving and down to you whether you get round or tangle with the armco barrier.
Academy Training Days
Book your ticket for the next thrill experience. Learn to Drift with Andy and his professional team, guiding you through the session.