Monday 1st April
Bookings are now open for the first of our Bank Holiday smashups as the Street Bangers return for their annual team meeting – if their first meeting of the season was anything to go by there should be plenty of cars and chaos! We have a full Fixture list on the day also featuring Ladies Bangers, Juniors, 1600 Prod Rods, Prod A, Hot Rods and F2 Stox.
No team in the Bangers? No problem! We’re more than happy to have some “lone wolves” to act as wildcards and spice things up!
Teams are a maximum of 4 but happy to take “B” teams or part full teams.
To book in please message me or email confirming:
Team (if in Bangers).
Please allow up to 48 hours for confirmation of booking.
On the day the site will open at 8am with the first race at 11am.
Admission prices are:
Adult – £15
Child (10-16) – £10
Under 10’s – Free
Family admission (2+2) – £40
Cash or card accepted on arrival, we do not offer advance tickets.